4. Using Portcullis

Portcullis is a C++11 program containing a number of subtools which can be used in isolation or as part of a pipeline. Typing portcullis --help will show a list of the available subtools. Each subtool has its own help system which you can access by typing portcullis <subtool> --help.

The list of subtools present in portcullis are listed below in order. A more detailed description of each subtool follows in the subsequent sections:

However, it is possible to run all portcullis steps in one go by using the full subtool. The command line usage for this option is as follows:

Usage: portcullis full [options] <genome-file> (<bam-file>)+

System options:
  -t [ --threads ] arg (=1) The number of threads to use.  Note that increasing the number of threads will also increase memory requirements.  Default: 1
  -v [ --verbose ]          Print extra information
  --help                    Produce help message

Output options:
  -o [ --output ] arg (="portcullis_out") Output directory. Default: portcullis_out
  -b [ --bam_filter ]                     Filter out alignments corresponding with false junctions.  Warning: this is time consuming; make sure you really want
                                          to do this first!
  --exon_gff                              Output exon-based junctions in GFF format.
  --intron_gff                            Output intron-based junctions in GFF format.
  --source arg (=portcullis)              The value to enter into the "source" field in GFF files.

Input options:
  --force               Whether or not to clean the output directory before processing, thereby forcing full preparation of the genome and bam files.  By
                        default portcullis will only do what it thinks it needs to.
  --copy                Whether to copy files from input data to prepared data where possible, otherwise will use symlinks.  Will require more time and disk
                        space to prepare input but is potentially more robust.
  --use_csi             Whether to use CSI indexing rather than BAI indexing.  CSI has the advantage that it supports very long target sequences (probably not
                        an issue unless you are working on huge genomes).  BAI has the advantage that it is more widely supported (useful for viewing in genome

Analysis options:
  --orientation arg (=UNKNOWN)  The orientation of the reads that produced the BAM alignments: "F" (Single-end forward orientation); "R" (single-end reverse
                                orientation); "FR" (paired-end, with reads sequenced towards center of fragment -> <-.  This is usual setting for most Illumina
                                paired end sequencing); "RF" (paired-end, reads sequenced away from center of fragment <- ->); "FF" (paired-end, reads both
                                sequenced in forward orientation); "RR" (paired-end, reads both sequenced in reverse orientation); "UNKNOWN" (default,
                                portcullis will workaround any calculations requiring orientation information)
  --strandedness arg (=UNKNOWN) Whether BAM alignments were generated using a type of strand specific RNAseq library: "unstranded" (Standard Illumina);
                                "firststrand" (dUTP, NSR, NNSR); "secondstrand" (Ligation, Standard SOLiD, flux sim reads); "UNKNOWN" (default, portcullis will
                                workaround any calculations requiring strandedness information)
  --separate                    Separate spliced from unspliced reads.
  --extra                       Calculate additional metrics that take some time to generate.  Automatically activates BAM splitting mode (--separate).

Filtering options:
  -r [ --reference ] arg Reference annotation of junctions in BED format.  Any junctions found by the junction analysis tool will be preserved if found in this
                         reference file regardless of any other filtering criteria.  If you need to convert a reference annotation from GTF or GFF to BED format
                         portcullis contains scripts for this.
  --max_length arg (=0)  Filter junctions longer than this value.  Default (0) is to not filter based on length.
  --canonical arg (=OFF) Keep junctions based on their splice site status.  Valid options: OFF,C,S,N. Where C = Canonical junctions (GT-AG), S = Semi-canonical
                         junctions (AT-AC, or  GC-AG), N = Non-canonical.  OFF means, keep all junctions (i.e. don't filter by canonical status).  User can
                         separate options by a comma to keep two categories.
  --min_cov arg (=1)     Only keep junctions with a number of split reads greater than or equal to this number
  --save_bad             Saves bad junctions (i.e. junctions that fail the filter), as well as good junctions (those that pass)

This is the typical way to run portcullis but it’s still helpful to know what each step in the pipeline does in more detail. Also the subtools offer some additional controls that can be useful in certain situations so please read on.

4.1. Prepare

This prepares all the input data into a format suitable for junction analysis. Specifically, this merges the input BAMs if more than one was provided. Using samtools, it then ensures the BAM is both sorted and both the sorted BAM and genome are indexed. The prepare output directory contains all inputs in a state suitable for downstream processing by portcullis.

Normally we try to minimise the work done by avoiding re-sorting or indexing if the files are already in a suitable state. However, options are provided should the user wish to force re-sorting and re-indexing of the input.

4.1.1. Usage

Usage: portcullis prep [options] <genome-file> (<bam-file>)+

  -o [ --output ] arg (="portcullis_prep") Output directory for prepared files.
  --force                                  Whether or not to clean the output directory before processing, thereby forcing full
                                           preparation of the genome and bam files.  By default portcullis will only do what it thinks
                                           it needs to.
  --copy                                   Whether to copy files from input data to prepared data where possible, otherwise will use
                                           symlinks.  Will require more time and disk space to prepare input but is potentially more
  -c [ --use_csi ]                         Whether to use CSI indexing rather than BAI indexing.  CSI has the advantage that it
                                           supports very long target sequences (probably not an issue unless you are working on huge
                                           genomes).  BAI has the advantage that it is more widely supported (useful for viewing in
                                           genome browsers).
  -t [ --threads ] arg (=1)                The number of threads to used to sort the BAM file (if required).  Default: 1
  -v [ --verbose ]                         Print extra information
  --help                                   Produce help message

4.2. Junction Analysis

Portcullis is designed to be as portable as possible so it does not rely on esoteric SAM tags and other artifacts that are not consistently present in all SAM/BAMs. In this stage, Portcullis analyses the BAM file to look for alignments containing gaps (REFSKIP ‘N’ cigar ops) and creates a detailed analysis of all distinct gaps detected, these are considered as potential junctions. A number of observations are made for each junction such as number of supporting split reads, how those reads are distributed around the junction, the actual nucleotides representing the splice sites and how repetitive the genomic region is around the splice sits (see _metrics for more details of all measurements taken). Portcullis outputs all junctions found in the BAM in a number of formats such as GFF3, BED, although the most detailed information can be found in the tab file.

4.2.1. Usage

Usage: portcullis junc [options] <prep_data_dir>

System options:
  -t [ --threads ] arg (=1)     The number of threads to use.  Note that increasing the number of threads will also
                                increase memory requirements.
  -s [ --separate ]             Separate spliced from unspliced reads.
  --extra                       Calculate additional metrics that take some time to generate.  Automatically activates BAM
                                splitting mode (--separate).
  --orientation arg (=UNKNOWN)  The orientation of the reads that produced the BAM alignments: "F" (Single-end forward
                                orientation); "R" (single-end reverse orientation); "FR" (paired-end, with reads sequenced
                                towards center of fragment -> <-.  This is usual setting for most Illumina paired end
                                sequencing); "RF" (paired-end, reads sequenced away from center of fragment <- ->); "FF"
                                (paired-end, reads both sequenced in forward orientation); "RR" (paired-end, reads both
                                sequenced in reverse orientation); "UNKNOWN" (default, portcullis will workaround any
                                calculations requiring orientation information)
  --strandedness arg (=UNKNOWN) Whether BAM alignments were generated using a type of strand specific RNAseq library:
                                "unstranded" (Standard Illumina); "firststrand" (dUTP, NSR, NNSR); "secondstrand"
                                (Ligation, Standard SOLiD, flux sim reads); "UNKNOWN" (default, portcullis will workaround
                                any calculations requiring strandedness information)
  -c [ --use_csi ]              Whether to use CSI indexing rather than BAI indexing.  CSI has the advantage that it
                                supports very long target sequences (probably not an issue unless you are working on huge
                                genomes).  BAI has the advantage that it is more widely supported (useful for viewing in
                                genome browsers).
  -v [ --verbose ]              Print extra information
  --help                        Produce help message

Output options:
  -o [ --output ] arg (=portcullis_junc/portcullis)
                                         Output prefix for files generated by this program.
  --exon_gff                             Output exon-based junctions in GFF format.
  --intron_gff                           Output intron-based junctions in GFF format.
  --source arg (=portcullis)             The value to enter into the "source" field in GFF files.

4.3. Junction Filtering

Portcullis provides various means for filtering junctions detected in the input BAM file. By default we use a machine learning approach, which trains on a high- confidence subset of the data, and then applies the trained model to the full set in order to score each junction. By default scores of over 0.5 are classed as genuine and those under as invalid. The user can control the threshold value via a command line option. We use the a modified version of the ranger random forest code as the learner. Portcullis outputs all junctions passing the filter in a number of formats such as GFF3, BED, and TSV format. The user can also request all junctions failing the filter are output into an additional set of GFF, BED and TSV files.

4.3.1. Reference annotations

Should the user have access to a reference annotation, they can supply that ( via the –reference command line option) so that should portcullis filter out any junctions that are also found in the reference, then those are put back into the set of genuine junctions. This feature is useful when working with model organisms where high-quality references are available.

The portcullis filter tool requires the reference junction annotation in BED format. If this is not readily available Portcullis comes supplied with an addition toolkit called Junctools, which can convert GTF annotation files to a set of junctions in BED format.

4.3.2. Validating results

Should the user know whether each junction in the input set is genuine or not, that can be provided to portcullis via the –genuine command line option. This file takes the format of a line separated list of either 1 indicating genuine and 0 indicating invalid in the same order as the input junctions. Portcullis, can then measure the performance of its filtering strategy.

4.3.3. Rule-based filtering

Alternatively, the user can filter junctions based on simple rules applied to the junction metrics. They do this via a JSON file describing their filter profile, which is passed to the filter tool via the –filter_file command line option. Examples are provided in the data sub-directory, which can be used directly, or as a template for deriving a custom filter profile. The rules can be combined using logic operations (and / or / not, etc) and applied to the full set of input junctions.

Here’s an example set of rules that must all be satisfied to pass this filter:

        "parameters": {
                "M4-nb_rel_aln": {
                        "operator": "gte",
                        "value": 2
                "M12-maxmmes": {
                        "operator": "gte",
                        "value": 10
                "M11-entropy": {
                        "operator": "gte",
                        "value": 1.5
                "M13-hamming5p": {
                        "operator": "gte",
                        "value": 2
                "M14-hamming3p": {
                        "operator": "gte",
                        "value": 2
        "expression": "M4-nb_rel_aln & M11-entropy & M12-maxmmes & M13-hamming5p & M14-hamming3p"

4.3.4. Filtering with a pre-made model

Although it is generally not recommended, the user can re-use existing random forest models to apply to new datasets. This is done via the –model_file option.

4.3.5. Usage

Usage: portcullis filter [options] <prep_data_dir> <junction_tab_file>

System options:
  -t [ --threads ] arg (=1) The number of threads to use during testing (only applies if using forest model).
  -v [ --verbose ]          Print extra information
  --help                    Produce help message

Output options:
  -o [ --output ] arg (="portcullis_filter/portcullis")
                                         Output prefix for files generated by this program.
  -b [ --save_bad ]                      Saves bad junctions (i.e. junctions that fail the filter), as well as good
                                         junctions (those that pass)
  --exon_gff                             Output exon-based junctions in GFF format.
  --intron_gff                           Output intron-based junctions in GFF format.
  --source arg (=portcullis)             The value to enter into the "source" field in GFF files.

Filtering options:
  -f [ --filter_file ] arg If you wish to custom rule-based filter the junctions file, use this option to provide a list
                           of the rules you wish to use.  By default we don't filter using a rule-based method, we instead
                           filter via a self-trained random forest model.  See manual for more details.
  -r [ --reference ] arg   Reference annotation of junctions in BED format.  Any junctions found by the junction analysis
                           tool will be preserved if found in this reference file regardless of any other filtering
                           criteria.  If you need to convert a reference annotation from GTF or GFF to BED format
                           portcullis contains scripts for this.
  -n [ --no_ml ]           Disables machine learning filtering
  --max_length arg (=0)    Filter junctions longer than this value.  Default (0) is to not filter based on length.
  --canonical arg (=OFF)   Keep junctions based on their splice site status.  Valid options: OFF,C,S,N. Where C =
                           Canonical junctions (GT-AG), S = Semi-canonical junctions (AT-AC, or GC-AG), N = Non-canonical.
                             OFF means, keep all junctions (i.e. don't filter by canonical status).  User can separate
                           options by a comma to keep two categories.
  --min_cov arg (=1)       Only keep junctions with a number of split reads greater than or equal to this number
  --threshold arg (=0.5)   The threshold score at which we determine a junction to be genuine or not.  Increase value
                           towards 1.0 to increase precision, decrease towards 0.0 to increase sensitivity.  We generally
                           find that increasing sensitivity helps when using high coverage data, or when the aligner has
                           already performed some form of junction filtering.

4.4. Bam Filtering

Portcullis can also filter the original BAM file removing alignments associated with bad junctions. Both the filtered junctions and BAM files are cleaner and more usable resources which can more effectively be used to assist in downstream analyses such as gene prediction and genome annotation.

4.4.1. Usage

Usage: portcullis bamfilt [options] <junction-file> <bam-file>

  -o [ --output ] arg (="filtered.bam")   Output BAM file generated by this program.
  -s [ --strand_specific ] arg (=UNKNOWN) Whether BAM alignments were generated using a strand specific RNAseq library:
                                          "unstranded" (Standard Illumina); "firststrand" (dUTP, NSR, NNSR);
                                          "secondstrand" (Ligation, Standard SOLiD, flux sim reads)  Default:
                                          "unstranded".  By default we assume the user does not know the strand specific
                                          protocol used for this BAM file.  This has the affect that strand information is
                                          derived from splice site information alone, assuming junctions are either
                                          canonical or semi-canonical in form.  Default: "unknown"
  -c [ --clip_mode ] arg (=HARD)          How to clip reads associated with bad junctions: "HARD" (Hard clip reads at
                                          junction boundary - suitable for cufflinks); "SOFT" (Soft clip reads at junction
                                          boundaries); "COMPLETE" (Remove reads associated exclusively with bad junctions,
                                          MSRs covering both good and bad junctions are kept)  Default: "HARD"
  -m [ --save_msrs ]                      Whether or not to output modified MSRs to a separate file.  If true will output
                                          to a file with name specified by output with ".msr.bam" extension
  -c [ --use_csi ]                        Whether to use CSI indexing rather than BAI indexing.  CSI has the advantage
                                          that it supports very long target sequences (probably not an issue unless you
                                          are working on huge genomes).  BAI has the advantage that it is more widely
                                          supported (useful for viewing in genome browsers).
  -v [ --verbose ]                        Print extra information
  --help                                  Produce help message