.. portcullis documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Dec 2 15:59:49 2014. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. image:: images/portcullis_logo.png Welcome to Portcullis' documentation ==================================== Portcullis stands for PORTable CULLing of Invalid Splice junctions from pre-aligned RNA-seq data. It is known that RNAseq mapping tools generate many invalid junction predictions, particularly in deep datasets with high coverage over splice sites. In order to address this, instead for creating a new RNAseq mapper, with a focus on SJ accuracy we created a tool that takes in a BAM file generated by an RNAseq mapper of the user's own choice (e.g. Tophat2, Gsnap, STAR2 or HISAT2) as input (i.e. it's portable). It then, analyses and quantifies all splice junctions in the file before, filtering (culling) those which are unlikely to be genuine. Portcullis output's junctions in a variety of formats making it suitable for downstream analysis (such as differential splicing analysis and gene modelling) without additional work. Contents: .. toctree:: :numbered: :maxdepth: 2 requirements installation quickstart using metrics junctools faq .. _issues: Issues ====== Should you discover any issues with portcullis, or wish to request a new feature please raise a ticket at https://github.com/maplesond/portcullis/issues. Alternatively, contact Daniel Mapleson at: daniel.mapleson@earlham.ac.uk .. _availability: Availability and License ======================== Open source code available on github: https://github.com/maplesond/portcullis.git Spectre is available under GNU GLP V3: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt Additional Resources ==================== Portcullis was presented at the Genome Science 2016 conference: :download:`poster `; :download:`slides ` Authors and Acknowledgements ============================ **Daniel Mapleson** - Project lead, software developer **David Swarbreck** came up with the original plan and has helped design and guide the project from day 1. **Luca Venturini** made the logic for the rule-based filtering and has been constantly testing the software helping to find bugs, improve runtime performance at every stage. Thanks to **Gemy Kaithokattil** and **Shabonham Caim** for hunting bugs and providing valuable feedback and **Sarah Bastkowski** for helping me understanding the various machine learning algorithms and the maths behind it. Also thanks to **Chris Bennett** for making the logo. Finally, thanks to the Earlham Insitute and the NBI computing services for supporting the work.